Funeral Wreaths & Flowers for Funerals

The perfect arrangement for when you need to say goodbye.

Flowers for saying goodbye

It’s always a privilege to be asked to create flowers for a loved one and our aim is to make a tribute which is as individual as they were. But we appreciate at times of loss, words can be difficult to find.

Please just pop in or give us a call and let us talk you through the options. We will listen and help you to commemorate your loved one through flowers in a personal way.

Get in touch

Leave us a message using the short form below and we will be in touch to talk about your requirements


Always individual, always personal


We appreciate that at times of loss, words can be difficult to find, so feel free to just pop in or give us a call. Let us talk you through all the options. We will listen and help you find a personal way of commemorating your loved one through flowers.

To check our availability and book a consultation please get in touch by clicking the button below to launch an enquiry form or call us on 01636 918155

Get in touch

Leave us a message using the short form below and we will be in touch to talk about your requirements
